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Allen West: Hurricane Obamacare, A disaster caused by one man

This past week the New York Times compared the horrific implementation of Obamacare to the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina. After all, when things seem to be going bad for President Obama, the Left’s best remedy is to invoke the memory of George W. Bush.

While the New York Times tried to tie together the relativism of a bungled response to a bungled launch, the paper missed the key difference. Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster, but the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a “man-caused disaster” (thanks, Janet Napolitano).

Hurricane Katrina hit Florida as a Category 1 storm before traveling across the South Florida peninsula and into the Gulf of Mexico where it gained strength over the warm waters and ultimately made landfall as a Category 5 tempest. The response may have been slow — actually it was truly bungled at the local and state levels first — but at least the storm was tracked and accurately reported.

President Obama’s signature policy initiative, the Affordable Care Act, is hitting Americans with Category 5 devastation. This storm was born from the minds of progressive socialists who have been itching for the opportunity to fundamentally transform the American healthcare system. Unfortunately, Americans weren’t able to track this storm because of non-existent reporting, lies, and deceit. This storm used the warm waters of media complicity, partisanship, and an uninformed electorate to gather its strength.

And let us never forget it was talented weather reporter Nancy Pelosi who stated, “We have to pass the bill in order to find out what’s in it.” Imagine a Weather Channel meteorologist reporting to Americans in the path of a hurricane saying “There’s nothing to worry about. We’ll figure out the nature of the storm when it hits you.” My guess is he or she would be fired.

What has made this storm, Hurricane Obamacare, even worse has been its source, President Obama himself. The level of dishonesty to the American people is simply unconscionable. The incompetence is astonishing. His bumbling attempts at explaining the complexity of the insurance industry were perplexing and instilled no confidence. President Obama now believes that with a wave of his magic wand, the individual insurance industry will be able to undo in 31 days what it took his administration three years to botch. By the way, whatever happened to the rule of law and the legislative process?

The insurance industry, which believed the storm safely pass over, now finds itself enduring the brunt of the devastation and the blame. The industry obviously listened to the weather forecaster who promised that mandating Americans to buy their products would be beneficial and profitable. Oops, the storm changed direction and due to rule changes and implementations unknown by most, the industry was forced to drop non-compliant healthcare plans. It’s never fun to be deceived by a storm — especially a man-caused one.

At least with a natural disaster there is an end and you can begin the recovery process. In the case of this man-caused disaster who knows when the storm shall pass? After all, the full effect of President Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act storm didn’t hit until 2008 and the financial meltdown tied to the mortgage industry. Nonetheless, President Carter and forecast sunny skies ahead when he said “every American has a right to own a home.” President Obama has done the same thing by promising “every American has a right to affordable healthcare.”

Hurricane Obamacare is a disaster of a storm. It’s stalled over land and is stalled over land and is pummeling Americans. Sadly, this entire storm season has been going on for five years as we’ve had to endure multiple man-caused disasters, including been Hurricane Fast and Furious, Hurricane IRS, Hurricane Benghazi, Hurricane Quantitive Easing, Hurricane Unemployment, Hurricane Stimulus, Hurricane Debt, Hurricane Dodd-Frank, Hurricane Poverty/EBT Card expansion, Hurricane Foreign Policy debacle, Hurricane Diminished National Security readiness, and a new one brewing, Hurricane Common Core. Each of these storms has been nothing less than a Category 4.

The cumulative effect of these disasters is wreaking havoc on Americans. And in each case, President Obama repeatedly states he had no idea, or found out about it when it hit us all. So much for leadership.

This month the actual natural hurricane season comes to an end and we get a respite. Unfortunately, the season for President Obama’s man-caused disasters seems to never end, and sadly enough, we voted not once, but twice for this devastation.

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Posted: November 18, 2013 Monday 10:00 PM